東北小伙李如意(崔志佳 飾)的導(dǎo)演事業(yè)遭逢變故,還被債主七哥(喬杉 飾)上門催債,無奈之下找到好兄弟張磊(魏翔 飾)、賈總(艾倫 飾)借錢卻遭戲精式婉拒,就在窮途末路之時李如意施展廚藝天賦,搖身一變成為火鍋屆“扛把子”,帶領(lǐng)一眾小弟誓要贏得“火鍋爭霸賽”的百萬獎金!在登頂之路上,李如意與老丈人袁飛(張琪 飾)、競爭對手陳華柳(于洋 飾)、倒霉伙計小天(宋小寶 飾)開展了一系列啼笑皆非的花式PK,最終冠軍究竟花落誰家?李如意是否會繼續(xù)在火鍋屆大展拳腳?抓馬人生等待解鎖……
1.0 狗的審判
4.0 象牙山車神
2.0 “騙騙”喜歡你
10.0 典范
2023 喜劇簡介: The Paragon is the story of DUTCH, the crippled and angry victim of a hit and run, who takes a course on how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver. But when his teacher ,LYRA, draws him into her search for a mysterious crystal known as THE PARAGON, Dutch finds himself trapped in a parallel universe and on the run from Lyra's evil brother HAXAN and his band of psychic slaves. -
5.0 東北“大仙兒”
5.0 好運來