17歲的學霸高中生李進步(莊達菲 飾)陰差陽錯回到了學渣媽媽李青桐(陳昊宇 飾)的少女時代,見到了素未謀面的渣男爸爸(王皓 飾)和4D彩色的過世姥爺(賈冰 飾)姥姥(牛莉 飾)。她靈機一動便分分鐘融入了媽媽的朋友圈,手撕渣爸,瘋狂撮合Crush吳智勛(畢雯珺 飾),下定決心“我爸由我不由媽”的她開啟了笑料百出的逆天換爸之路......
9.0 瘋狂星期一
10.0 紅毯先生
3.0 交響尸人夢
2024 喜劇簡介:A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to an end so the band hires a world renowned cellist in order to save the band. The media goes wild and money starts to flow to the band again. Too bad the cellist is not a very nice p... -
5.0 獵贗
8.0 替身忠臣藏
8.0 李諾的夢想