華爾街金融從業(yè)者蓮實圣司(伊藤英明 飾),在事業(yè)取得輝煌成就的時刻選擇辭職,回到祖國日本,在一所私立高中擔任英語老師。蓮實英俊帥氣,親切和善,平易近人,在學生中間有著極高的人氣。但是在當前快樂平和的表象下,不安定的氛圍悄悄浮現(xiàn)。先是與蓮實關系很近的心理咨詢教師水落聰子(中越典子 飾)被人威脅,之后體育教師體罰學生,醫(yī)務室老師田浦(高岡早紀 飾)色誘蓮實,而一向陰郁嚴肅的老師鉤井正信(吹越滿 飾)則警告聰子不要與蓮實走得太近。似乎,蓮實那張永遠充滿陽光般笑容的面孔背后,隱藏著常人難以捉摸的秘密和殺心……本片根據(jù)貴志祐介的原作改編。
8.0 填詞L粵語
7.0 人狗情未了1
10.0 鬧事之徒
2.0 海關戰(zhàn)線粵語
5.0 爺孫搭檔
6.0 上帝的來電
2022 劇情簡介:Anticipation of Love has settled in a heart of a young lady. The borders between dream and passion are very elusive. Life is full of physical deprivations and sensual pleasures and the deep meaning of that all is Love of course. The deeper the feeling the more intense emotions. Each girl dreams to meet her love one day. An experienced man is able to help her to discover the wor...